Reader of the Week: Gnoman Bates Rides Again

Welcome to Reader of the Week. A Hancock's House of Happy regular feature showcasing the stitching talents of readers. If you have stitched a Hancock's House of Happy chart send me a link in the comments or in an email to hancockshouseofhappy at googlemail dot com. I will pick my fave and post it up. You will get a link and a picture in your very own post. 

This week's reader of the week is Lisa Noteboom who was brave enough to taken on Gnoman Bates! Love love love this! Thanks so much for sharing Lisa. I didn't seriously think anyone would stitch this. 

Rather than link you out again to another post here is the chart again:

If you want the less scary cute non-homicidal version I am going to make you work for it. Click HERE HERE HERE

If you like my cross stitch charts please help support me on etsy

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